University Sim Build 1.0.2 Mac OS

Mac OS X Server 1.0 was a preview of what was in store for Mac OS X. It was based on the earlier Rhapsody releases and contained a mix of technologies. The UI style was that of the Mac OS 8 Platinum style, file management took place through the NeXTStep Workspace Manager, and classic Mac OS applications could be ran in the Mac OS 8 'blue box. The ios-sim and ios-deploy tools - allows you to launch iOS apps into the iOS Simulator and iOS Device from the command-line. Install the SDK. There are two ways to download Xcode: from the App Store, available by searching for 'Xcode' in the App Store application. From Apple Developer Downloads, which requires registration as an Apple Developer.

This guide shows how to set up your SDK development environment todeploy Cordova apps for iOS devices such as iPhone and iPad. See thefollowing for more detailed platform-specific information:

  • iOS Command-line Tools

The command-line tools above refer to versions prior to Cordova 3.0.See The Command-Line Interface for information about thecurrent interface.

Requirements and Support

Apple® tools required to build iOS applications run only on the OS Xoperating system on Intel-based Macs. Xcode® 6.0 (the minimum requiredversion) runs only on OS X version 10.9 (Mavericks) or greater, andincludes the iOS 8 SDK (Software Development Kit). To submit apps tothe Apple App Store℠ requires the latest versions of the Apple tools.

You can test many of the Cordova features using the iOS emulatorinstalled with the iOS SDK and Xcode, but you need an actual device tofully test all of the app's device features before submitting to theApp Store. The device must have at least iOS 6.x installed, theminimum iOS version supported as of Cordova 3.0. Supporting devicesinclude all iPad® models, iPhone® 3GS and above, and iPod® Touch 3rdGeneration or later. To install apps onto a device, you must also be amember of Apple'siOS Developer Program,which costs $99 per year. This guide shows how to deploy apps to theiOS emulator, for which you don't need to register with the developerprogram.

The ios-sim and ios-deploy tools - allows youto launch iOS apps into the iOS Simulator and iOS Device from the command-line.

Install the SDK

There are two ways to download Xcode:

  • from the App Store,available by searching for 'Xcode' in the App Store application.

  • from Apple Developer Downloads,which requires registration as an Apple Developer.

Once Xcode is installed, several command-line tools need to be enabledfor Cordova to run. From the Xcode menu, select Preferences,then the Downloads tab. From the Components panel, press theInstall button next to the Command Line Tools listing.

Install Deploy Tools

Run from comman-line terminal:

Create a New Project

Use the cordova utility to set up a new project, as described in TheCordova The Command-Line Interface. For example, in a source-code directory:

Deploy the app

To deploy the app on a connected iOS device:

To deploy the app on a default iOS emulator:

University Sim Build 1.0.2 Mac Os Catalina

You can use cordova run ios --list to see all available targets and cordova run ios --target=target_name to run application on a specific device or emulator (for example, cordova run ios --target='iPhone-6').

You can also use cordova run --help to see additional build and runoptions.

Open a Project in the SDK


Once ios platform is added to your project, you can open it from within Xcode. Double-click to open the hello/platforms/ios/hello.xcodeprojfile. The screen should look like this:

Deploy to Emulator

To preview the app in the iOS emulator:

  1. Make sure the .xcodeproj file is selected in the left panel.

  2. Select the hello app in the panel immediately to the right.

  3. Select the intended device from the toolbar's Scheme menu, suchas the iPhone 6.0 Simulator as highlighted here:

  1. Press the Run button that appears in the same toolbar to theleft of the Scheme. That builds, deploys and runs theapplication in the emulator. A separate emulator application opensto display the app:

Only one emulator may run at a time, so if you want to test the app in a different emulator, you need to quit the emulator application and run a different target within Xcode.

Xcode comes bundled with emulators for the latest versions of iPhoneand iPad. Older versions may be available from the Xcode →Preferences → Downloads → Components panel.

Deploy to Device

For details about various requirements to deploy to a device, referto the Configuring Development and Distribution Assets section ofApple'sTools Workflow Guide for iOS.Briefly, you need to do the following before deploying:

  1. Join the Apple iOS Developer Program.

  2. Create a Provisioning Profile within theiOS Provisioning Portal.You can use its Development Provisioning Assistant to create andinstall the profile and certificate Xcode requires.

  3. Verify that the Code Signing section's Code Signing Identitywithin the project settings is set to your provisioning profilename.

University Sim Build 1.0.2 Mac Os Download

To deploy to the device:

  1. Use the USB cable to plug the device into your Mac.

  2. Select the name of the project in the Xcode window's Schemedrop-down list.

  3. Select your device from the Device drop-down list. If it isplugged in via USB but still does not appear, press theOrganizer button to resolve any errors.

  4. Press the Run button to build, deploy and run the applicationon your device.

Common Problems

Deprecation Warnings: When an application programming interface(API) is changed or replaced by another API, it is marked asdeprecated. The API still works in the near term, but is eventuallyremoved. Some of these deprecated interfaces are reflected in ApacheCordova, and Xcode issues warnings about them when you build anddeploy an application.

University Sim Build 1.0.2 Mac Os Update

Xcode's warning about the invokeString method concerns functionalitythat launches an app from a custom URL. While the mechanism to loadfrom a custom URL has changed, this code is still present to providebackwards functionality for apps created with older versions ofCordova. The sample app does not use this functionality, so thesewarnings can be ignored. To prevent these warnings from appearing,remove the code that references the deprecated invokeString API:

  • Edit the Classes/MainViewController.m file, surround the followingblock of code with /* and */ comments as shown below, then typeCommand-s to save the file:

  • Edit the Classes/AppViewDelegate.m file, comment out the followingline by inserting a double slash as shown below, then typeCommand-s to save the file:

  • Press Command-b to rebuild the project and eliminate the warnings.

Missing Headers: Compilation errors relating to missing headersresult from problems with the build location, and can be fixed via Xcode preferences:

  1. Select Xcode → Preferences → Locations.

  2. In the Derived Data section, press the Advanced button andselect Unique as the Build Location as shown here:

This is the default setting for a new Xcode install, but it may be setdifferently following an upgrade from an older version of Xcode.

For further information, consult Apple's documentation:

  • Start Developing iOS Apps Today provides a quick overview of steps for developing iOS Apps.

  • Member Center home pageprovides links to several iOS technical resources includingtechnical resources, the provisioning portal, distribution guidesand community forums.

  • Session Videos fromthe Apple World Wide Developer Conference 2012 (WWDC2012)

  • The xcode-select command,which helps specify the correct version of Xcode if more than one is installed.

(Mac®, OS X®, Apple®, Xcode®, App Store℠, iPad®, iPhone®, iPod® and Finder® are Trademarks of Apple Inc.)

The Sims 2: University
Developer(s)Maxis Redwood Shores
Publisher(s)EA Games (PC)
Aspyr (Mac)
Designer(s)Charles London
Hunter Howe
Composer(s)Mark Mothersbaugh
SeriesThe Sims
ReleaseMarch 1, 2005
Genre(s)Life simulation game

The Sims 2: University is the first expansion pack for the strategiclife simulationcomputer gameThe Sims 2 developed at the Redwood Shores studio of Maxis and published by Electronic Arts. It was released on March 1, 2005 to mixed reception. The expansion pack adds a new aging period to Sims which is Young Adult. Once they reach this life period, they can go to University to earn a degree, allowing them to take up any one of four graduate-exclusive careers. The expansion added several key gameplay elements which have been included in all expansions succeeding it. The Sims 2: University has won two Editor's Choice awards from syndicated game review publications.

Background and development[edit]

In 2004, Electronic Arts announced that it was planning on releasing a new expansion pack in March 2005. Sinjin Bain, executive producer and Maxis vice president said 'We are thrilled to open up a whole new stage of life for the Sims, allowing players to lead them through all the challenges of college and living the exciting university lifestyle of the dorms, parties and exams.' 'This title is also the first in a line of expansion packs that will address our players desires, further develop The Sims 2 franchise and continually expand the world of the Sims creating almost endless gameplay and storytelling possibilities,' he added.[1]

The Sims 2: University was first announced in mid-November. A University-themed expansion pack was discussed for The Sims but the technology didn't support it.[2] An interesting developmental problem occurred with rendering the dormitories. Maxis wanted to give the feel of a crowded dormitory without having a large amount of sims on the screen at a time. To solve this problem, a system was set up whereby NPCs disappear upon entering a private room. This meant that the engine didn't have to render the students.[3]

University Sim Build 1.0.2 Mac Os X


University adds a simple instrument system, composed of the new Guitar, Drum kit and Bass objects. Multiple Sims can play together. Sims can make money by playing at their homes or at community lots such as music clubs or coffee shops. The Sims can play three different types of musical styles with these instruments and once a Sim begins playing one of the styles, the others who pick up instruments to play join into the same style. Although Sims cannot have actual vocalists, the new action 'Freestyle' or 'Freestyle For Tips' will allow another Sim to rap along (in Simlish) to the instruments being played or a cappella to have fun and annoy or entertain other Sims nearby. Students also have a variety of new objects centered around college life, including a fruit juicekeg, togas, ramen noodles, and a bubble blowing machine.

University also adds the Young Adult life stage between Teen and Adult. Only Sims at college become Young Adults, and any Sims who do not attend college make the transition directly to adults. The new college towns are linked to a specific neighborhood and preserve the same separation home neighborhoods do. University comes with three pre-packaged college towns: Sim State University, La Fiesta Tech, and Académie Le Tour. In the towns are three further types of residential: dorms, private housing, and Greek Houses, although there are no Greek Houses in Académie Le Tour. In communal dorms, NPC Sims fill in the house vacancies. Custom dorms cannot be built without the use of cheat codes. A Sim with enough scholarship money may start out in a private house. Greek Houses function the same as a dormitory, but have increased Relationship and Motive benefits. The premade neighborhoods generally include recreation centers, libraries, and other student centers.

The Sims 2: University introduces the college system, which introduces classes, majors, and rewards. Students have the choice of eleven different majors. These majors require the advancement of specific skills in order to get the highest possible grades. Sims must complete four years of university to graduate. If a Sim fails a semester, they are placed on academic probation and must repeat the semester. Each student starts off with a budget separate from any family they may have come from. In University, students can spend their money on luxury objects in their living spaces, excess clothing, electronic gadgets or even on renting a private residence that can be a private home or can be converted into a Greek House. There are several ways to receive income as a student, including tutoring and physically training other Sims. Students may also play instruments or freestyle for tips or work part-time as cafeteria workers and baristas. Some NPC students are members of a secret society. University includes the Influence system. By achieving specific goals, Sims gain a number of Influence points, which may be spent on directing other Sims to do certain things. Sims now have a Lifetime Want which puts the Sim in Platinum mood for the rest of their lives if achieved. Over the course of a Sim's college years, towards the end of their education, the player is given the chance to change their Aspiration.

There are new social interactions in The Sims 2: University, including pranks, instruments, and pillow fights. University adds several categories of interactions, including 'Influence To...' and 'Hang Out'. Sims can comprise study groups, providing social interaction while boosting grades. A common interaction between University Sims is 'Kicky Bag', a hacky sack knock-off in which multiple Sims try to keep aloft a small bag filled with beans by kicking it to each other. University has new NPCs in the form of cheerleaders, mascots, cafeteria workers, coaches, professors, and students. Cheerleaders and the Nice Mascot, usually a llama, will generally repeatedly perform the School Cheer for the player's Sim, can enter homes at random without invitation through their lifetime. The 'Evil' Mascot usually takes the form of a cow and will be constantly pranking and provoking the player and his/her classmates. The NPCs can become playable characters under certain circumstances (e.g., a cheerleader or mascot is invited to join a Greek House).[citation needed]

University introduced Zombies, a new type of Sim. Zombies can result from the use of a Resurrect-O-Nomitron (a career reward for the paranormal career track) or through the use of cheat codes. When using a Resurrect-O-Nomitron, the player pays the Grim Reaper to bring back a deceased Sim. Depending on the amount of money that the player offers the Grim Reaper, the Sim may be resurrected perfectly, with less skill/personality points, as a zombie, or not at all. Zombies have gray skin, shamble when walking, and dislike whoever brought them back from the grave. Zombies also lose some of the skill and personality points they had when they were humans. They also tend to eat the garbage from the trash can on the lot. Depending on the amount the player pays, the zombie may range from no personality points to a complete reversal of their past personality.[citation needed]


Aggregate score
Review scores

The Sims 2: University received a 'Platinum' sales award from the Entertainment and Leisure Software Publishers Association (ELSPA),[8] indicating sales of at least 300,000 copies in the United Kingdom.[9]


  1. ^(November 30, 2011), Maxis Announces The Sims 2 University Expansion PackGamePro. Retrieved February 27, 2011.
  2. ^'Kevin Hogan Lectures About Sims 2 University'. GameSpy. Retrieved July 9, 2009.CS1 maint: discouraged parameter (link)
  3. ^Dave Kosak. 'Sims 2 University Sneak Peek'. GameSpy. Retrieved January 7, 2018.CS1 maint: discouraged parameter (link)
  4. ^'The Sims 2: University'. Metacritic. CBS Interactive. Retrieved January 7, 2018.CS1 maint: discouraged parameter (link)
  5. ^'The Sims 2: University Review'. GameZone. March 12, 2005. Archived from the original on July 10, 2016. Retrieved July 8, 2016.CS1 maint: discouraged parameter (link)
  6. ^Scott Osborne (February 28, 2005). 'The Sims 2: University Review'. GameSpot. CBS Interactive. Retrieved January 7, 2018.CS1 maint: discouraged parameter (link)
  7. ^Dan Adams (February 28, 2005). 'The Sims 2: University Review'. IGN. News Corporation. Retrieved January 7, 2018.CS1 maint: discouraged parameter (link)
  8. ^'ELSPA Sales Awards: Platinum'. Entertainment and Leisure Software Publishers Association. Archived from the original on May 15, 2009.CS1 maint: discouraged parameter (link)
  9. ^Caoili, Eric (November 26, 2008). 'ELSPA: Wii Fit, Mario Kart Reach Diamond Status In UK'. Gamasutra. Retrieved January 7, 2018.CS1 maint: discouraged parameter (link)
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