Throwback (Gipzo) Mac OS

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  • Jul 26, 2016 Here’s what some Spiceheads had to say: “I had to think about it for a minute, but just a minute. The real heyday of Mega Man. It was one of those magical games where you could really sense how much the team really wanted to make it as good as it could be.
  • Noun: throwback 'throw,bak. An organism that has the characteristics of a more primitive type of that organism - atavist; A reappearance of an earlier characteristic - atavism, reversion. Adjective: throwback 'throw,bak. Characteristic of an atavist 'The throwback dew claw in many dog breeds is a simple example of a genetic trait'; - atavistic.

When you think of your favorite throwback game, what comes to mind? In honor of SysAdmin Day on July 29th, we asked Spiceheads which video games they loved and fondly remembered.

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Now, we know Spiceheads run the gamut of ages, so “throwback” means a little something different to everyone. To include everyone, we created a list of all the video games, their systems and the years they were released as well as some observations from contributors. Have fun sorting through these “throwback” games and let us know if we missed your favorite in the comments below!

You can sort the table by each column for a view by game name, year or platform!

Video Game NameOriginal N.A. Release DateOriginal Platforms
Age of Empires 1997Microsoft Windows
Age of Empires 21999Microsoft Windows
Age of Empires 31999Mac OS
Alternate Reality: The Dungeon1987Atari 8-bit family
Alternate Reality: The Dungeon1987Commodore 64/Commodore 128
Alternate Reality: The Dungeon1987Apple II
Breath of Fire 31998Playstation
Command & Conquer: Generals2003Microsoft Windows
Command & Conquer: Red Alert 22000Microsoft Windows
Carmageddon1997Microsoft Windows
Carmageddon1997Mac OS
Castle of the Wind 1993Microsoft Windows
Choplifter III1994NES
Chrono Trigger1995Super NES
Counter-Strike 1.62003PC
Crash Bandicoot Warped1998Playstation
Diablo I1996Microsoft Windows
Diablo II2000Microsoft Windows
Diablo II2000Mac OS
Doom 1 1993MS-DOS
Doom 21994MS-DOS
Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde1988NES
Dragon Warrior1989NES
Dragon’s Lair1983Arcade
Fable Series2004Xbox
Fable Series2004Microsoft Windows
Fable Series2004Mac OS X
Final Fantasy 41991Super NES
Final Fantasy 61994Super NES
Final Fantasy Series1990NES
Gears of War Series2006Xbox 360
Golden Eye 0071997N64
Grand Theft Auto1997Microsoft Windows
Grand Theft Auto1997MS-DOS
Grand Theft Auto 21999Microsoft Windows
Grand Theft Auto 21999Playstation
HALO Series2001Xbox
Heroes of Might and Magic III1999Microsoft Windows
Heroes of Might and Magic II1996DOS
Heroes of Might and Magic II1996Macintosh
Heroes of Might and Magic II1996Microsoft Windows
Heroes of Might and Magic II1996RISC OS
King of Fighters ’951995Arcade
King of Fighters ’961995Neo Geo home console
Legend of Zelda 1986NES
Mega Man 21989NES/Famicom
Metroid Series1987NES
Metroid, Super1994SNES
Moon Patrol1982Arcade
Mortal Kombat1992Arcade
Myst1993Apple Macintosh
Phantasy Star Online2001Sega Dreamcast
Pitfall!1982Atari 2600
Pole Position1982Arcade
Quakeworld/Team Fortress1999Windows
Sim City 20002000Mac OS
Sim City 20012000Amiga
Sim City 20022000DOS
Street Fighter 1987Arcade
Street Fighter Alpha 31998Arcade
Streets of Rage1991Sega Genesis
Streets of Rage 21992Sega Genesis
Stunts1990NEC PC-9801
Super Mario 31990NES
Super Mario Brothers1985NES
Super Mario RPG1996NES
Target: Renegade1988Armstrad CPC
Target: Renegade1988Commodore 64
Target: Renegade1988ZX Spectrum
Tecmo Bowl1987Arcade
Test Drive 41997Playstation
Theme Hospital1997MS-DOS
Starcraft Series1998Microsoft Windows
Star Wars Tie Fighter1994DOS
Star Wars Tie Fighter1994Macintosh
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles1989NES
TOCA Touring Cars1997Playstation
Warcraft III: Reign of Chaos2002Microsoft Windows
Warcraft III: Reign of Chaos2002Mac OS
WarCraft Series1994MS-DOS
Warlock1995Sega Genesis
Warlock1995Super NES

Here’s what some Spiceheads had to say:

“I had to think about it for a minute, but just a minute. Mega Man 2. The real heyday of Mega Man. It was one of those magical games where you could really sense how much the team really wanted to make it as good as it could be. Still one of gaming’s most legendary soundtracks.”


“To throw all the way back, my parents had, and probably still own, an Atari 7800 I played a lot when I was little.”


Counter Strike 1.6 on PC. I was majorly competitive in that until I had to quit cold turkey or I would end up divorced.


“Super Mario RPG was my gateway into other RPGs, just as Street Fighter Alpha 3 really kicked off my love for fighting games, and Phantasy Star Online got me into online games and eventually MMOs. These three will always hold a special place for me and while there are better games, I will never have fonder memories than of these.”


“There are so many! Let’s just say that to this day, I cannot walk past a Galaga or Ms. Pac-Man machine without dropping in a quarter.”

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Throwback (gipzo) Mac Os Catalina

Psst…stay tuned for SysAdmin Day festivities coming to you this Friday.

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