Chicken Platformer Prototype Mac OS

There is also now the Mac OS X Strike Force that aims to improve using Haskell on OS X.

  • 3GHC
  • 6Editors with Haskell support

The Haskell Platform

The Developer Transition Kit is the name of two prototype Mac computers made available to software developers by Apple Inc. The first Developer Transition Kit was made available in 2005 prior to the Mac transition to Intel processors to aid in the Mac's transition from PowerPC to Intel's x64 architecture.A second Developer Transition Kit was made available in 2020 prior to the Mac transition. This is a full list of games in Flashpoint, separated by platform and sortable by title, developer, and publisher. You can search it via using Ctrl+F, or if you're on mobile, the Find in Page option.

There are Mac OS X installers of the full Haskell Platform development environment. We recommend it:

Haskell for Mac (IDE)

Not every critic is the same. Metacritic offers aggregated game reviews from the top critics, and our own METASCORE pinpoints at a glance how each game was reviewed. Description Chicken is a VNC client for Mac OS X. A VNC client allows remote access to another computer over the network. Chicken is based on Chicken of the VNC. Purpose of this Repository. Find prototype games for macOS like What Lives Below, Cinderlight, Cabaret, You're In Space And Everyone Wants You Dead, Digital Logic Sim on, the indie game hosting marketplace.

Haskell for Mac is an easy-to-use integrated programming environment for Haskell on OS X. It is a one-click install of a complete Haskell system, including Haskell compiler, editor, many libraries, and a novel form of interactive Haskell playgrounds. Haskell playgrounds support exploration and experimentation with code. They are convenient to learn functional programming, prototype Haskell code, interactively visualize data, and to create interactive animations.

Features include the following:

  • Built-in Haskell editor with customisable themes, or you can use a separate text editor.
  • Interactive Haskell playgrounds evaluate your code as you type.
  • Easy to explore type information and to observe the behaviour of you program as you change it.
  • Playground results can be text or images produced by the Rasterific, Diagrams, and Chart packages.
  • Add code and multimedia files to a Haskell project with drag'n'drop.
  • Haskell binding to Apple's 2D animation and games framework SpriteKit.
  • Autosaving and automatic project versioning.

Haskell for Mac supports OS X Yosemite or above.


Important notes

To get the most out of your GHC environment, you should add '~/Library/Haskell/bin' to your PATH environment variable before the path where you have GHC installed. This will allow you to get and use cabal-updates, as well as other programs shipped with GHC like hsc2hs.

In your ~/.profile, add the line:

export PATH=$HOME/Library/Haskell/bin:$PATH

Mac OS X 10.9 (Mavericks), Mac OS X 10.8 (Mountain Lion) and Xcode 5

Both Mountain Lion and Mavericks support and now use XCode 5, which no longer provides GCC, only Clang.

The workaround that the Haskell Platform maintainers are supporting can be found here. That work around along with this one work with only the system provided compilers.

Chicken Platformer Prototype Mac Os X

However, if you are still encountering usual bugs, the GCC based directions here may work out better.

Mac OS X 10.5 (Leopard)

To install GHC on Mac OS X 10.5 (Leopard), there are the following options:

  • install the Haskell Platform
  • install MacPort's ghc package

Mac OS X 10.6 (Snow Leopard) and 10.7 (Lion)

  • Install the Haskell Platform

To uninstall ghc call:sudo uninstall-hs

Xcode 4.1

GHC needs Xcode to be installed so it has access to the bintools, headers, and link libraries of the platform. The later two are provided by the SDK that comes as part of Xcode. GHC 7.0.2 is compiled against the 10.5 SDK. Xcode 4.1 no longer ships with it. ghci will work, but linking and some compiles with <ghc> will not. To make those work you need a copy of the 10.5 SDK. You can get this one several ways:

  • Before you install Xcode 4.1, if you have Xcode 3.2 installed, do one of the following:
    • Move it aside (renaming /Developer to /Xcode3.2)
    • Move just the sdk aside (moving /Developer/SDKs/MacOSX10.5.sdk to, say, /ExtraSDKs/MacOSX10.5.sdk)
    • Move just the sdk aside, install Xcode 4.1, then move it back into the /Developer/SDKs directory.
  • If you don't have Xcode 3.2, then you can download it from the Apple Developer site, and install it in a location other than '/Developer'. If you have already installed Xcode 4.1 be sure that you customized the install and don't install the 'System Tools' or 'UNIX Development' packages.

Building via GHC:

Building via cabal:

Replace {loc} with wherever you put the SDK.


  • install MacPort's hugs98 package.

Installing libraries with external C bindings

Haskell libraries are installed with the cabal command line tool.

Some libraries depend on external C libraries, which are best installed with MacPorts. However, you have to tell cabal to include the /opt/local/ directories when searching for external libraries. The following shell script does that by wrapping the cabal utility

Editors with Haskell support

Open Source

  • AquaMacs or EmacsForOSX, a graphical Emacs version
  • Eclipse with the EclipseFP plugin. See EclipseOn_Mac_OS_X
  • Emacs, is installed on every Mac
  • MacVim, a graphical Vim version
  • Textmate 2, open source incarnation of TextMate 1.
  • Vim, is installed on every Mac
  • Yi (written in Haskell itself!), is available through cabal-install





and Sublime Text 2:

TextEdit is Mac's default text editor, a very basic editor that works fine for most uses, you must however be careful to put it into plain text mode using the Format menu.

Shipping Installable Haskell Applications

  • mkbndl builds installable Mac OSX applications from your Haskell project.


  • Using Haskell in an Xcode Cocoa project; a description of how to add a Haskell module (callable from C) to an Xcode/Cocoa/Interface builder project on your Mac.
  • Mac OS X Common Installation Paths: an effort to standardize where things go on a Mac OS X installation
Retrieved from ''

This guide provides information on how to download and install JavaFX Scene Builder 2.0 on a Windows, Linux, or Mac OS X system. Download information for the JavaFX Scene Builder samples is also included.


JavaFX Scene Builder is a design tool that enables you to drag and drop graphical user interface (GUI) components onto a JavaFX scene. It can help you to quickly prototype interactive applications that connect GUI components to the application logic. It automatically generates the FXML source code as you define the GUI layout for your application.

System Requirements

Use the following information to help you get set up and successfully start using JavaFX Scene Builder.

  • Ensure that your system meets the requirements listed in the JDK Certified System Configurations section of the Java SE Downloads page. JavaFX Scene Builder 2.0 supports the same Java 8, Standard Edition (Java SE 8) platforms that support JavaFX, with the exception of Linux ARM.

  • Download JDK 8 from and install it to successfully run the JavaFX Scene Builder 2.0 samples.

  • Download and install the latest NetBeans IDE 8.0 software to successfully complete the JavaFX Scene Builder Getting Started tutorial. The tight integration that NetBeans IDE has with JavaFX Scene Builder allows you to easily create a new FXML file, edit it using JavaFX Scene Builder, modify and compile your Java controller source files, and run the sample application used in the tutorial. Download the NetBeans IDE 8.0 software from

    However, there are also instructions in the JavaFX Scene Builder Getting Started tutorial that guide you to complete the sample application using only a standalone JavaFX Scene Builder tool and the ANT utility. You can also use Using JavaFX Scene Builder with Java IDEs to get information about how to use other Java IDEs to create JavaFX projects and use Scene Builder to work on the FXML file for your application's GUI layout.



The JavaFX Scene Builder is available as a Windows package (.msi) for the Windows platform, as a Debian package (.deb) or .tar.gz file for the Linux platform, and as a disk image (.dmg) for the Mac OS X platform.

To install:

  1. Download JavaFX Scene Builder from the Additional Resources section of the Java SE Downloads page at

  2. In the JavaFX Scene Builder 2.0 section, accept the license agreement, if you agree to its terms.

  3. Click the link for your operating system and follow the prompts to save the installer file.

  4. Use the following information to install in your specific platform.

    • (Windows platform) Run the
      javafx_scenebuilder-2_0-windows.msi installer file. Respond to the prompts as indicated in the installation wizard.

      By default, the JavaFX Scene Builder software is installed at
      C:Program FilesOracleJavaFX Scene Builder 2.0 on a Windows platform. If you install JavaFX Scene Builder on a 64-bit Windows machine, the default installation location is C:Program Files (x86)OracleJavaFX Scene Builder 2.0.

    • (Linux platform) Extract the Scene Builder 2.0 files from the javafx_scenebuilder-2_0-linux-<platform>.tar.gz to a directory on your local file system, or double-click the javafx_scenebuilder-2_0-linux-<platform>.deb file to open it with Ubuntu Software Center, where <platform> is either x64 or i586. By default, the Scene Builder application is installed at /opt/JavaFXSceneBuilder2.0/.

    • (Mac OS X platform) Open the
      file and drag the JavaFX Scene Builder application into the Applications folder.

    For any of the supported platforms, the installed software contains the files similar to or a subset of what is shown in Figure 1-1, which shows the installation layout on a Windows platform.

    Figure 1-1 Contents of a JavaFX Scene Builder 2.0 Installation on a Windows Platform

    Description of 'Figure 1-1 Contents of a JavaFX Scene Builder 2.0 Installation on a Windows Platform'

    /app - Contains the JavaFX Scene Builder properties files and libraries.

    /runtime - Contains a copy of the Java Runtime Environment (JRE), which includes executable files and libraries that enable JavaFX Scene Builder to run standalone.

    COPYRIGHT.html - Contains the copyright information for JavaFX Scene Builder.

    JavaFX Scene Builder 2.0.exe - JavaFX Scene Builder executable file.

    JavaFX Scene Builder 2.0.ico - JavaFX Scene Builder icon file.

    msvcr100.dll - Microsoft runtime library.

    README.html - Contains a pointer to the JavaFX Scene Builder README page.

    THIRDPARTYLICENSEREADME.txt - Contains the list of third-party licenses.

Getting Started

To get started with Scene Builder, read through the following documentation:

  • JavaFX Scene Builder Overview - A high level overview of the JavaFX Scene Builder 2.0 tool

  • JavaFX Scene Builder User Guide - An introduction to the user interface and features of JavaFX Scene Builder 2.0

  • Getting Started with JavaFX Scene Builder - A step-by-step tutorial for creating the FXML file that defines the user interface of a simple issue tracking application

  • Using JavaFX Scene Builder with Java IDEs - A tutorial that gives information about how to configure the NetBeans, Eclipse, or IntelliJ IDEs to use with Scene Builder.

Running the JavaFX Scene Builder Samples

Download the JavaFX Scene Builder samples to see some applications you can build using the Scene Builder tool.

  1. Go to the Additional Resources section of the download page at

  2. Locate the JavaFX Scene Builder section, click the Samples link, and follow the prompts to save the file to your local file system.

  3. Extract the sample files from the zip file to a directory on your local file system.

Each sample is a NetBeans project and also includes at least one JavaFX layout stored as an FXML file. The <sample>.fxml file can be loaded and edited using the JavaFX Scene Builder.

To run the samples, you must have the JDK 8 software. Since the samples include the corresponding NetBeans projects files, using the NetBeans IDE is the simplest way to run the sample applications. However, you can also run them using the Ant utility, Eclipse, or IntelliJ IDEA. See below for more information.

Using NetBeans IDE

Use NetBeans 8 or later to run the JavaFX Scene Builder 8.0 samples.

Chicken Platformer Prototype Mac Os 8

  1. Go to the javafx_scenebuilder_samples-2_0-install directory in which you extracted the sample files.

  2. Run a sample by opening the project in the NetBeans IDE, compiling it, and then running it. For example, to run the Login application, open the Login project in NetBeans IDE, right-click the project node in the Projects window, and select Run.
    Source code for each sample is in the src folder for each NetBeans project.

Using Eclipse or IntelliJ IDEA

See Using JavaFX Scene Builder with Java IDEs for information on how to run the samples in either the Eclipse or IntelliJ IDEA environment.

Using the Ant Utility

If you choose not to run the samples in NetBeans or any other IDE, you can use the Apache Ant utility (version 1.8 or later) to build and run the sample application on the command line. Enter a command similar to that in Example 1-1. Note that the examples shown use JDK 8.

Example 1-1 Ant Command to Run the Sample Application

The main values for <TARGET> are clean, jar, and run. You can set <TARGET> with the value of -projecthelp to get a list of available targets. For example, to run the Login application on the Windows or Mac OS platform, type something similar to that in Example 1-2.

Chicken Platformer Prototype Mac Os Catalina

Uninstalling JavaFX Scene Builder

To uninstall JavaFX Scene Builder, use the standard uninstall process for your operating system.