Buy Me Some Soup Mac OS

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  4. Buy Me Some Soup Mac Os Download
  5. Buy Me Some Soup Mac Os 8

ReactOS is a free, open-source reimplementation of the Windows NT architecture. In other words, it’s an attempt to reimplement Windows as an open-source operating system that’s compatible with all Windows applications and drivers. ReactOS shares some code with the Wine project, which allows you to run Windows applications on Linux or Mac OS. In a large saucepan, combine the broth, broccoli, cauliflower and carrots. Bring to a boil. Reduce heat; simmer, uncovered, for 10 minutes or until vegetables are tender. Add the macaroni and cheese, cream and process cheese. Cook and stir until cheese is melted. Add chicken and pepper; heat through. Choose “Download macOS” from the sidebar Tools section. Find the version of macOS you want to download from the list, select it and then click on “Download”. Select the output destination of where you wish to download the full macOS installer to, for example the Desktop. That’s all there is to it!

You can run MacOS in Virtualbox. Because? Because.

In the pursuit of Hackintosh, you need a Mac. That’s well and great, but I didn’t want to screw around with my partner’s Macbook. So what if you want to sandbox something? Virtualbox!

I had no expectations that this was going to work. OS X has always been runnable in Virtualbox for a while, but the performance has normally been lacklustre. While it’s not exactly daily-driver level, the performance in Virtualbox wasn’t too bad!

The macOS Virtualbox option is designed for genuine Apple hardware. You will not get community support from Virtualbox if you have trouble with this process, as it’s against Apple ToS.

VMware more your jam? We’ve got this working in there too.

🤔️ What do I need?

You need a donor Mac to start this process. You will not need access to it permanently, but just during the process of creating an ISO for your VM to setup with. Else, you need:

  • A Mac to create an ISO with.
  • MacOS Mojave installer from the Mac App Store.
  • Virtualbox (Windows, Linux or MacOS).
    • Virtualbox Extension Pack is required.
  • At least 4GB of RAM (8GB or more recommended).
  • 40GB of free disk space (more preferred).
  • 2 core CPU or more.

This guide will discuss installing MacOS Mojave, however installation process should be similar for all MacOS versions.

⚠️ At the time of writing, Virtualbox and Hyper-V cannot co-exist on Windows. MacOS is also not installable on Hyper-V. I use Linux in my screenshots as I use Docker on Windows. This also includes Windows Subsystem for Linux, which tripped me up from installing.

💿 Creating the ISO

Virtualbox installs generally prefer to use an ISO file, which unfortunately will require some handiwork to get a hold of. Persevere and you will get there!

On the MacOS machine, download the Mojave installer. Don’t worry about actually running this application, as we’re going to use some terminal magic to build the ISO from the package.

This process is not affected by MacOS Installer expiry.If your MacOS installer has expired, you can continue with this guide.

Once the package has been downloaded, pop open Terminal (Utilities folder in Launcher), and run the following commands:

hdiutil create -o /tmp/Mojave.cdr -size 8000m -layout SPUD -fs JHFS+

This will create a virtual ‘disc’ stored in your temporary directory. This is what we’ll stuff the Mojave installation stuff into.

hdiutil attach /tmp/Mojave.cdr.dmg -noverify -nobrowse -mountpoint /Volumes/installer_goes_here

Now MacOS can ‘see’ your disc as an actual disc, ready for writing to!

asr restore -source /Applications/Install macOS -target /Volumes/installer_goes_here -noprompt -noverify -erase

We’re now grabbing the installation DMG from within the updater package, and storing it within the disc image. This will rename the disc image, so don’t panic that ‘installer_goes_here’ has vanished.

Now, detach the image from our MacOS. You can just eject it like regular DMGs. If not, run the command:

hdiutil detach /Volumes/OS X Base System

(it may change since OS X is legacy. To check, run ls /Volumes and see if it’s there, renamed).

Now for the final process, let’s convert our CDR image to an ISO!

hdiutil convert /tmp/Mojave.cdr.dmg -format UDTO -o ~/Desktop/Mojave.iso

You should now have a file on the Mac desktop called ‘Mojave.iso’. Congratulations, you have your installation disc! Copy this over to where your Virtualbox is setup. The Mac is no longer needed at this point.

🛠️ Setting up Virtualbox

⚠️ Before continuing, install the Virtualbox Extension Pack, if you haven’t already. This comes with a special USB 3 driver that without, the Mac simply won’t see USB devices.

Virtualbox has the option for a MacOS virtual machine in it’s New VM dialog, but we will need to make further adjustments to make it truly Mac-ready.

Pop open Virtualbox, and Create a new Virtual Machine. Name this MacOS Mojave, and set it to Mac OS X (64-bit).

Set the RAM to 4096 MB (or higher if you can achieve it!).

When creating the disk, you can use either format versions. Dynamic will not immediately take up the storage size you chose, whereas Static immediately reserves the chosen size for the VM. The latter is slightly better for performance.

Now you should have a new, primed MacOS machine. But you will need to run some commands now. This can be hit-and-miss, and may require some Google-fu. The following works for my AMD FX computer:

Windows? Change VBoxManage to 'C:Program FilesOracleVirtualBoxVBoxManage.exe' (if you didn’t change your Virtualbox install location).

The above does the following, in order of command:

  • Sets a known CPU ID set that MacOS will recognise.
  • Especially for AMD machines, changes what MacOS sees as your processor to something it supports.
  • Tells MacOS you’re installing Mojave onto a mid-2010 iMac. You can change this to your preference.
  • These two specify a fake DMI, typically found in Apple PCs.
  • A device key to pass system checks.

Before starting the VM, open the VM settings and make the following changes:

  • System > Processor > Processor(s) is 2 or more.
  • System > Acceleration > uncheck Enable Nested Paging.
  • Display > Screen > Video Memory is 128MB.
  • USB > USB 3.0 Controller.
    • If greyed/not there, you did not install additions.

With all that done, we’re ready to start the VM!

You should be greeted with the following screen:

Click on the folder icon, and find your ISO created on the Mac before, then click Start.

And wait. yes, this process takes a long time. If your installation stops, try googling the last output message to see if there is a community fix, or post below… Otherwise, this is generally a slow process.

If all has gone well, you should be greeted by the MacOS installer language selection. If so, you’re almost there! On the top menu, open Utilities > Disk Utility.

There should be a disk named VBOX HARDDISK or similar. This is the VDI you created during the setup process, and not your actual hard drive. So go ahead and full-erase this disk, with Mac OS Extended (Journaled) and GUID Partition Map.

Once the disk formatting has completed, close it down. You should now be able to start the installation!

Once this is complete and you filled all the required details in, congratulations! You’re running MacOS Mojave within Virtualbox!

❓ What works?

✔️ Does

  • Screen (No 3D).
  • Regular input methods (mouse sharing).
  • Networking.
  • USB devices.
  • Mac App Store.

At the end of the day it’s still a virtual machine, and a technically unsupported one at that. However, considering the matter it’s still impressive how Virtualbox can cope with MacOS.

Files can be shared using typical Windows share features. If you share a folder on your network from your host machine, your Mac VM should be able to connect to it.

🌟 Special Thanks

This required a lot of Googling, and these are the people who saved me at the end of the process!

  • This How-to Geek article, that started this whole process. They have a much better step-by-step guide on this!
  • Forchia on Reddit for a different instruction set.
  • miranhasan on Reddit for AMD processors.
  • kvotheV on Reddit for disabling nested paging.

🐛 Troubleshooting

You get Guru Meditation, “A critical error has occurred while running the virtual machine and the machine execution has been stopped” when machine gets to RandomSeed.

This is a difficult one, and will require investigation. I checked the logs as the error message said, and discovered:

HM: HMR3Init: Attempting fall back to NEM: AMD-V is not available

If you’re on an Intel processor, it’ll likely say VT-x instead.

Obviously, check if this is enabled. If you’re on a legacy BIOS computer, it’s a straightfoward scan for AMD-V/VT-x in your settings. If it’s UEFI, you’re gonna have to Google it.

Strangely, on my machine it was enabled. Supposedly Virtualbox and Hyper-V can run side-by-side, so at this point I decided to remove Hyper-V, to see if that would improve. It didn’t, but I forgot something. For this to work, you must turn off Windows Subsystem for Linux!


I completely forgot that WSL uses Hyper-V, and apparently still does when it’s disabled. Unfortunately, it would seem (for me at least) you need to trade it off for macOS in Virtualbox.

I will retest this when WSL2 is launched.

When choosing which laptop to buy, it makes sense to know what comes with it. And the most significant part of the decision is to know what software you get with the computer.

First, I want to mention that whether you buy Macbook Pro or Air the software bundle that comes with them is absolutely the same. You don’t get more programs if you spend more on the Apple laptop.

So, what software comes with a Macbook?

Any Macbook comes with macOS Big Sur (operating system) and built-in (free) software such as Time Machine, FaceTime, Safari, and Apple Music and TV. Macs do not come with games, antivirus, MS Office, or Final Cut Pro.

Here is a full list of built-in apps that come with every Mac:

How about MS Office and programs such as Word and Excel? I will touch on this topic after I give an overview of all the built-in apps first.

Software That Comes With Every MacBook Air/Pro

Buy Me Some Soup Mac Os 7

macOS Big Sur

Every computer needs an operating system. The operating system performs basic operations such as starting programs, reading data from the disks, controlling the display and sound, etc.

All apps that run on any computer use operating system in order to interact with the user or various computer components.

Is it OSX or macOS? For a long time, the operating system on Mac was called OSX. You can still hear some people use this term. However, in 2016, Apple renamed it to macOS, so we will use this term going forward.

Each year Apple releases a new version of macOS. They used to be backward compatible, i.e., they supported all Mac models produced in earlier days.

Mojave was the first macOS which could not be installed on some of the oldest Macs. I expect every next release will have similar restrictions. So, if you have an older Mac, check you can upgrade it to the latest OS.

Siri on Mac

Siri is a great virtual assistant tool which can increase your productivity if used properly.

What can Siri do? Most people use Siri to search for something on the internet. All you do is ask Siri a question, and it will transform the voice command to a text which will be sent to a search engine. Once Siri gets results, it will tell what it had found.

Another use is to find anything on the Mac. For instance, Siri is great when you need to find a document you worked on last week.

In my opinion, the most powerful feature of Siri is controlling Mac and connected devices. For instance, you can ask Siri turn off Wifi and Bluetooth, raise or lower the sound volume, send a message, set the alarm, take a selfie, etc.

And finally, people use Siri when they are bored. Siri can tell jokes, find the music you want to listen or read the news.


Safari is an internet browser that gets pre-installed on almost all Apple products.

Is it the best browser? Definitely, not, but it does the work. The advantage of Safari is that Apple wrote it specifically for Apple computers. So, it supposed to have some edge over other browsers in terms of energy usage and speed.

If you don’t like Safari, you can always download your favorite internet browsers, such as Chrome or Firefox.


Mail is fairly simple built-in email client. You can do things that any email client does: write and read emails, send attachments, sort and find messages, organize messages in folders. If you a regular email user then Mail client will be enough. Power users will find features limiting and will most likely invest in better solutions.

I use Mail to combine various secondary emails accounts in one place. I don’t use any desktop clients for my primary email, because I don’t want my messages to be stored on the computer in case if it ever gets stolen or lost.

FaceTime on Mac

If you have an iPhone you probably already know what FaceTime is. With FaceTime, you can make a video call to anyone who has FaceTime installed on his/her Mac or iPhone/iPad. You can also make a group call. In both cases, FaceTime uses Wifi as transport.

Additionally, FaceTime on Mac can connect to your iPhone and make a regular phone call.

Messages on Mac

If you have an iPhone, you probably noticed that messages sent to someone who has an iPhone have blue color while non-iPhone users get green messages. It’s because Apple uses proprietary messaging protocol when sending messages between Apple products using Wifi instead of the cellular network.

What does this mean for you? It means that you can send messages to iPhone or Mac users from your Mac without having a cellular connection. Also, it means that these messages do not count to your SMS limit (if you have one in your mobile plan).

Unfortunately, to send messages to Android friends, you still have to have an iPhone which Mac can use SMS.

News app

With the News app on Mac, you can follow a channel or even a specific topic of interest. Apple will aggregate the news and send them to you periodically. You can read them in the app and then like or even share.

In 2019 Apple launched a subscription service called News+. It’s a paid service. With this service, you can get stories from premium newspapers such as The Wall Street Journal or Time.

Books app

If you frequently purchase books from the Book Store, they will appear in the Books app. You can see books in all (or almost all) Apple devices, including MacBook Pro. If you don’t buy books or prefer to use Amazon, then you don’t need the app.

Stocks app

Besides following news, you can also follow stock prices. With the Stocks app, you can add ticker symbols to your watchlist. You can also view stocks in the Notification center on Mac. Stocks app also allows seeing price charts with multiple ranges.

Overall, it’s a very basic app for an average investor — nothing to write home about. Serious investors may find the app lacking functionality.

Home app

The Home app is a program that may become very big in the future when we all going to have smart homes. If you have a device that can be controlled over the network you can add it as an accessory to the Home app.

Once installed, you can then control lighting, temperature, home security, TV, and speakers. The list is endless. Besides issues commands and changing things in real-time you can set schedule.

For instance, you can set up the thermostat to start heating the house right before you arrive home. And all of this can be controlled thru Siri which will manage the Home app and its accessories.

Voice Memos

My personal favorite. Whether you are recording the lecture in class or just recording your notes for the next blog, Voice Memos can capture your recordings. You can then replay or even edit recordings, although editing capabilities are not too impressive. You can later transcribe voice memos to a text.

Notes app

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Apple has a rudimentary note-taking app. Whether you need to save a recipe or make a to-do list, you can use Notes. This is not the best app by all means, but it comes with some neat features. You can attach different media such as pictures, videos, and even locations on the Maps.

There is also a collaboration feature. You can share a note with multiple people and work together. I’ve never tried it myself because I believe Google Docs is a much better and simpler tool to use for this purpose.


Each computer needs a calendar app, and Macs have a pretty good one. As most applications in macOS, this one integrated with other programs on your laptop. So, if you need to add a location on Maps in your calendar event, you can do it. Other features include sending and receiving invites.

Calendar app obviously connected to your Mail app so you can see all meetings from all Mail accounts in one place. You can also color-code your calendars so you can quickly spot events related to family, work, or others.

Overall, it’s a relatively simple app. I always have it on my Dock because I keep forgetting which date it is 🙂


I don’t use the Contacts app at all. With this app, you can aggregate multiple contact lists in one giant collection. But I don’t see any need for that. I prefer to keep contacts on my phone, not a laptop.


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Another app without a clear purpose. I use Reminders on my iPhone, but on the Mac, I don’t see a need for it when there is a much more powerful Calendar app. And if I need to take notes to collaborate with other people, I can use the Notes app.

Photo Booth

While most of us use MacBooks for work and study sometimes, we want to have some fun, and Photo Booth is super fun to use. With this app, you can quickly snap a selfie of yourself or yourself with friends.

Prefer videos? Not a problem, you can shoot videos with Photo Booth as well. If you need time to set up the scene, there is a default three-second countdown before taking a photo. You can also use various effects to make your photos funny. And finally, you can use any image to create a custom backdrop.


Preview is a very powerful tool on your Mac. When I switched from Windows to Mac, one thing I was missing was an MSPaint program. It took me some time, but I finally learned how to use Preview to edit images for my blogs. In some case, Preview is even better than my old favorite.

For instance, Preview keeps a history of changes you made to the image even after you close the app. In fact, I don’t know any other standard file editing software other than Preview, which allows you to go back in history after you saved the changes and close the program.

Another area where Preview can be useful is PDF annotations. You can add text, signature, or even shapes to any PDF document. And again, Mac keeps the history of changes so you can always go back in time.

Time Machine

Speaking of going back in time, Time Machine is not a fantasy novel. On the Mac Time Machine is a backup tool. If there is one thing that I would like you to remember from this post is you need a backup strategy for your computer. Things happen (virus, crash, documents accidentally deleted) and often the best and only remedy is to restore the old image of your MacBook from the Time Machine device.

I wrote a very detailed blog post about Time Machine and other possible backup tools, so please check it out: Time Machine on Mac: How it Works, Best Practices and FAQ

Apple Music

For a long time, iTunes was an audio and video player that came standard with any Macbook.

However, it was split into multiple apps with macOS Catalina and the role of iTunes was taken by Apple Music.

There is an Apple Music store where you can purchase music and rent movies. You can join Apple music as a subscriber, and you can manage your subscriptions there.

Apple TV

Another app that spawned from iTunes. You can use Apple TV to watch your favorite shows, movies and Apple TV+ channel.

Apple Podcasts

Apple Podcasts is the last part of iTunes that became a standalone app. You can subscribe to podcasts and listen them with this app.

App Store

While the list of built-in apps in macOS is good enough, you will always need more programs. There are two main ways to get new programs on MacBook: download from the vendor web site or buy from Apple Store.

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If you have both options, I suggest you always go through Apple Store route. Apple has very strict requirements for any app they host in their stores. At the minimum, they all free from viruses. And yes, Macs can get viruses. Another advantage of the App Store is the ease of updates. You can configure the app to install updates automatically same way you configure the operating system updates.

And finally, any app you bought from the App Store you can download again if you deleted it. If you downloaded the app from the vendor web site, the process of downloading and finding a license might be quite complicated.

So this was a brief overview of built-in apps that come pre-installed on any new MacBook. There other applications that you can install for free. Specifically, there are two popular software suits: iLife and iWork.

iLife apps

Initially, the iLife software suite consisted of multiple apps, most of which were discontinued. The only two apps left are iMovie and GarageBand.


The GarageBand lets you play, record, edit, mix, and share music! You do not have to worry that you do not know a single note. Everything is there. Just open the application, select an instrument, then press the notes that tingle your ears. As easy as that, you can create your music. You can also add your voice by recording it.


iMovie, on the other hand, gets you in touch with your video skills. It is the perfect application for neophyte video editors. It provides a user-friendly interface but lets you turn your raw footages into one creatively edited video. Personally, I use iMovie to edit my YouTube videos, and I found it very easy to learn and use.

iWork apps

There is a suite of apps that mimic Microsoft Office functionality, and they are free for anyone using macOS: Numbers, Pages, and Keynote. You can download all three from the App Store.

  • Numbers is an alternative for MS Excel. You can save Numbers spreadsheets as Excel documents or import Excel documents in Numbers.
  • Pages is an alternative for MS Word. You can save Pages documents as Word files and edit Word documents in Pages.
  • And Keynote is an alternative for Powerpoint. As you already understand, it is possible to work with Powerpoint documents in Keynote.

What Apple empathizes is that with iWork, you can work on MS Office documents just in different apps.

Apple provides a way to share the documents built-in iWork apps through the iCloud or Box. Another neat feature you can use Touch ID to lock and unlock the iWork documents.

Software That DOES Not Come With Macs

MS Office on Mac

iWork may be a viable alternative to MS Office, but feature-wise it’s nowhere near to Microsoft suite. Fortunately, Microsoft ported the big trio of apps to macOS. These apps look a little different than Windows counterparts (key combinations are different), but they are very close. If you had experience working with any Office apps on Windows, you would quickly figure out how to edit documents on Mac.

Does MacBook Pro come with Word or Excel? No, Macs do not come with MS Office pre-installed. Although it is free to download, remember that you still have to pay to have an account for the Microsoft office to be activated in your MacBook Pro. The Microsoft Office from the App Store only gives you a 30-day free trial.

How to get Microsoft Word or Excel on MacBook for free?

There are three possible ways to get Word or Excel for free:

  • Get Office license at work. For instance, your account may allow you to install up to five copies. So you can install one at the work computer and one at home. But first, ask permission from your manager.
  • Get Office license in college. Most colleges in the US provide free Office licenses.
  • Download from pirate web sites. I do not recommend doing this for two reasons: it’s illegal and very hacked programs contain viruses. In fact, if you see any link with a promise of a free Word install, know it’s a scam. Don’t click on those links!

There are, however, two ways to get MS Office for less money:

  • Get a student edition. In this case, you either need to be a student or know someone who’s a student.
  • Some sites may offer to sell Microsoft apps for deep discounts. What they do is they have volume editions, i.e., multiple licenses they paid for. Then they sell those individual licenses. All you need is to download the program and apply for the license. Is this legal? I don’t know. As they say, consult with your attorney.


Does Photoshop come with MacBook Pro/Air? No, it does not. Adobe offers 7-day free trial version after which it is required to subscribe for one of their plans: Photography ($9.99/mo), Photoshop ($20.99/mo) or Creative Cloud Apps ($52.99/mo). Students and teachers can get Creative Cloud Apps for $19.99/mo.

Final Cut Pro X and Logic Pro X

Final Cut Pro X and Logic Pro X are the most popular Apple apps, but unfortunately, they are not free. Moreover, they are very expensive. You can buy Logic Pro X for $199.99 and Final Cut Pro X for $299.99 from the Apple App Store.

Antivirus Apps

I often hear people saying that Macs don’t get viruses, however, I know that this is not true. It is true, however, that macOS has some rudimentary defense against malware, but if you are serious about security you need to either download a free antimalware app or buy a commercial one.

Zoom, Skype and Teams

Most video conferencing tools, such as Zoom and Teams are free for Macs. They have some internal limitations, but there is nothing specific to Apple products.


Buy Me Some Soup Mac Os Download

Apple computers do not come with games included. So, if you are a fan of Fortnite or Civilization you have to purchase them. The same applies to Steam games.

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There is no even Solitaire or Minesweeper on Mac (my favorites on PCs).